The Stress Profiler

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This 16-page stress test tells you exactly how stressed you are in ten different areas of your life with corresponding articles for advice on how to cope with your stress. The Stress Profiler helps you answer questions like: Why do I get angry over nothing? How can I reduce my worrying? How can I cope with all the changes in my life? How can I learn to manage my time better? The Stress Profiler takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. After taking the test, you can easily determine your total score, produce a graph of the results, and create a customized action plan.

NASA, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Continental Health Promotion have purchased thousands of copies of this stress management test. Trainers can use this stress management test during a stress management seminar, or as a takeaway to finish at home. It is completely self-explanatory, and requires no supervision.



This 16-page stress test tells you exactly how stressed you are in ten different areas of your life with corresponding articles for advice on how to cope with your stress. The Stress Profiler helps you answer questions like: Why do I get angry over nothing? How can I reduce my worrying? How can I cope with all the changes in my life? How can I learn to manage my time better? The Stress Profiler takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. After taking the test, you can easily determine your total score, produce a graph of the results, and create a customized action plan.

NASA, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Continental Health Promotion have purchased thousands of copies of this stress management test. Trainers can use this stress management test during a stress management seminar, or as a takeaway to finish at home. It is completely self-explanatory, and requires no supervision.

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  • The Stress Management Journal

    Most people never take the time to clearly identify the stressors in their life and thus have almost no chance of reducing or eliminating their stress. That's why we created the Stress Management Journal. The Stress Management Journal guides you through a 28-day course for reducing stress. The first two weeks are devoted to observing and noticing connections between the obvious causes of stress and the subtler, underlying causes of stress. For example, you might learn when you get into an argument with your kids during the morning rush, that it's probably not the kids, but time pressure, that's really bugging you. In the third week, you will learn physical techniques for reducing stress, like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation. In the fourth week, the journal will teach you how to monitor your thoughts in order to avoid common negative thinking traps. If you're serious about changing your behavior and really reducing your stress, this is the tool for you. Trainers and health educators: Want to really affect behavioral change throughout your organization? Start a stress management support group. Hand out the journal to everyone in the group and meet with them once a week for one month.

    The Stress Management Journal

    Most people never take the time to clearly identify the stressors in their life and thus have almost no chance of reducing or eliminating their stress. That's why we created the Stress Management Journal. The Stress Management Journal guides you through a 28-day course for reducing stress. The first two weeks are devoted to observing and noticing connections between the obvious causes of stress and the subtler, underlying causes of stress. For example, you might learn when you get into an argument with your kids during the morning rush, that it's probably not the kids, but time pressure, that's really bugging you. In the third week, you will learn physical techniques for reducing stress, like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation. In the fourth week, the journal will teach you how to monitor your thoughts in order to avoid common negative thinking traps. If you're serious about changing your behavior and really reducing your stress, this is the tool for you. Trainers and health educators: Want to really affect behavioral change throughout your organization? Start a stress management support group. Hand out the journal to everyone in the group and meet with them once a week for one month.
  • Managing Stress training Video

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    Managing Stress training Video

    Category: Uncategorized |
    Arguments, always running late, not sleeping well, credit card debt, difficult co-workers; these are just a few of the many sources of stress identified in this program. Learn how to tackle real life stressors by following five simple steps: 1. Identify the source of your stress. 2. Eliminate or avoid stress whenever possible. 3. Rethink the stress you can’t eliminate. 4. Cope with the stress you can’t rethink. 5. When all else fails, seek support. Identify, eliminate, rethink, cope and seek support. Demonstrates how these five simple, yet practical strategies work in a variety of real-life situations. *Purchase this video as one of a five-part series and save $200. However, each video in the series can be viewed (and purchased) separately.
  • Job Stress PowerPoint® program

    Job Stress Job stress is the #1 source of stress in the US. 78% of American workers describe their job as stressful. People suffering from job-stress take more sick days, are more accident prone and are much more likely to be angry and/or violent at work. Sources of job stress can include a bad boss, inadequate training, excessive overtime, hectic pace, deadline pressure, too many meetings, not working to a plan, downsizing and conflicting assignments. But it can also include outside factors like financial pressure, relationship problems, and trouble coping with anger and frustration. Introducing a PowerPoint® program on job stress. Here is a PowerPoint® program that will help you teach employees how to cope with stress at work. Everything you need to put on a 1-hour program on job stress is included. You’ll get forty illustrated PowerPoint® slides, a full text and outline for your presentation. You can even choose to download the program when you place your order and save $50. Teach employees how to cope with job stress. In addition to helping people identify sources of job stress and develop strategies for eliminating it, this program will help your audience communicate better, manage time better, and handle stressful emotions better like anger, frustration and disappointment . From relaxation techniques they can use at work to cognitive techniques they can use at any given moment, this program supplies cutting edge solutions to timeless problems associated with handling stress at work.

    Job Stress PowerPoint® program

    Category: Uncategorized |
    Job Stress Job stress is the #1 source of stress in the US. 78% of American workers describe their job as stressful. People suffering from job-stress take more sick days, are more accident prone and are much more likely to be angry and/or violent at work. Sources of job stress can include a bad boss, inadequate training, excessive overtime, hectic pace, deadline pressure, too many meetings, not working to a plan, downsizing and conflicting assignments. But it can also include outside factors like financial pressure, relationship problems, and trouble coping with anger and frustration. Introducing a PowerPoint® program on job stress. Here is a PowerPoint® program that will help you teach employees how to cope with stress at work. Everything you need to put on a 1-hour program on job stress is included. You’ll get forty illustrated PowerPoint® slides, a full text and outline for your presentation. You can even choose to download the program when you place your order and save $50. Teach employees how to cope with job stress. In addition to helping people identify sources of job stress and develop strategies for eliminating it, this program will help your audience communicate better, manage time better, and handle stressful emotions better like anger, frustration and disappointment . From relaxation techniques they can use at work to cognitive techniques they can use at any given moment, this program supplies cutting edge solutions to timeless problems associated with handling stress at work.
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    Overcoming Stress-Related Insomnia Military Version

    Category: Uncategorized |
    The most common cause of insomnia is stress. Learning how to deal with stress is the key to a good night’s sleep. In Part I of this audio, you’ll learn how to identify the root causes of your stress-related insomnia and you’ll learn over twenty useful tips for over-coming it. After that, (in Part II) it’s lights out as you listen to 25 minutes of soothing narration (mixed with even more soothing music) designed to relax every last muscle, release every last bit of tension and vanquish every last worrisome thought. Insomnia can make you sick, depressed, anxious, and rob you of your ability to solve problems creatively. Don’t let insomnia rule your life. Within minutes of putting on this audio, you’ll be on your way to a better night’s sleep and brighter and more vigorous tomorrow.
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