Mindfulness at Work PowerPoint® program


Most people spend the vast majority of their time thinking about things other than what they’re actually doing. We do this while driving, while eating, while showering, while working and even while multi-tasking. In other words, you think about a fight you had with your boss, while driving to work or a stressful deadline you have coming up, while eating your lunch. As a consequence of this habit, you lose out on really appreciating an activity (like eating or driving for example) that might bring you joy, and instead focus on something that is likely to cause you pain and suffering.

Mindfulness helps you appreciate the simple beauty in the present moment by training you to stay focused and attentive to what it is going on NOW. But mindfulness is a bit like honey, until you’ve tried it, you can’t possibly begin to know it. This one hour program will give your audiences a taste of mindfulness. By learning the concepts and techniques taught in this program, like mindfulness meditation, flow, breath awareness, non judgment and non attachment, your audience will naturally begin to reduce their anxiety, handle anger better, communicate better and enjoy life more. They’ll understand what mindfulness is and immediately start reaping its many proven benefits both at home and at work.



Most people spend the vast majority of their time thinking about things other than what they’re actually doing. We do this while driving, while eating, while showering, while working and even while multi-tasking. In other words, you think about a fight you had with your boss, while driving to work or a stressful deadline you have coming up, while eating your lunch. As a consequence of this habit, you lose out on really appreciating an activity (like eating or driving for example) that might bring you joy, and instead focus on something that is likely to cause you pain and suffering.

Mindfulness helps you appreciate the simple beauty in the present moment by training you to stay focused and attentive to what it is going on NOW. But mindfulness is a bit like honey, until you’ve tried it, you can’t possibly begin to know it. This one hour program will give your audiences a taste of mindfulness. By learning the concepts and techniques taught in this program, like mindfulness meditation, flow, breath awareness, non judgment and non attachment, your audience will naturally begin to reduce their anxiety, handle anger better, communicate better and enjoy life more. They’ll understand what mindfulness is and immediately start reaping its many proven benefits both at home and at work.

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    Stress Testing Cards

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    Want a giveaway that promotes good health? Want an inexpensive gift that people will actually keep? Want to put your name and logo in the hands of your clients, patients, employees or customers? Get a stress card. It’s fun and informative. Printed on paper “card stock” it looks and feels just like a business card. Our stress cards are beautifully designed with a sunset or mountain background—or design your own custom card (see example above). Just like a business card, our stress card goes neatly in your wallet or purse. The heat sensitive material on the front of the card changes color to tell you whether you are relaxed or tense. Great for seminars, health fairs and other health promotion campaigns or as your own calling card. Order any amount from 1-100,000. A minimum order of 500 cards is needed for customization. For information on customizing please email: Erica@StressStop.com
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    In this exquisitely filmed 60 minute Relaxation DVD you'll watch slow-moving images of nature while you listen to a super-soothing musical soundtrack (flutes, oboes, and keyboards) that will slow your heart rate and breathing rate, while you follow the calming words of Dr. Naiman's almost hypnotic voice-over narration. This DVD helps you let go of your stressful day and drift into a restful night's sleep without any effort, without any pills and without any lingering side effects the next day! Rubin Naiman, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized leader in integrative sleep and dream medicine. Dr. Naiman serves as the sleep specialist at the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine, directed by Dr. Andrew Weil. He is the author of groundbreaking works including Healing Night, Healthy Sleep (with Dr. Weil), The Sleep Advisor, and The Yoga of Sleep. Bonus features include a Q&A session with Dr. Naiman where he answers commonly asked questions about sleep as well as a short program on Ten Key concepts about Healthy Sleep.
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    The Stress Management Journal

    Most people never take the time to clearly identify the stressors in their life and thus have almost no chance of reducing or eliminating their stress. That's why we created the Stress Management Journal. The Stress Management Journal guides you through a 28-day course for reducing stress. The first two weeks are devoted to observing and noticing connections between the obvious causes of stress and the subtler, underlying causes of stress. For example, you might learn when you get into an argument with your kids during the morning rush, that it's probably not the kids, but time pressure, that's really bugging you. In the third week, you will learn physical techniques for reducing stress, like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation. In the fourth week, the journal will teach you how to monitor your thoughts in order to avoid common negative thinking traps. If you're serious about changing your behavior and really reducing your stress, this is the tool for you. Trainers and health educators: Want to really affect behavioral change throughout your organization? Start a stress management support group. Hand out the journal to everyone in the group and meet with them once a week for one month.
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    Job Stress Job stress is the #1 source of stress in the US. 78% of American workers describe their job as stressful. People suffering from job-stress take more sick days, are more accident prone and are much more likely to be angry and/or violent at work. Sources of job stress can include a bad boss, inadequate training, excessive overtime, hectic pace, deadline pressure, too many meetings, not working to a plan, downsizing and conflicting assignments. But it can also include outside factors like financial pressure, relationship problems, and trouble coping with anger and frustration. Introducing a PowerPoint® program on job stress. Here is a PowerPoint® program that will help you teach employees how to cope with stress at work. Everything you need to put on a 1-hour program on job stress is included. You’ll get forty illustrated PowerPoint® slides, a full text and outline for your presentation. You can even choose to download the program when you place your order and save $50. Teach employees how to cope with job stress. In addition to helping people identify sources of job stress and develop strategies for eliminating it, this program will help your audience communicate better, manage time better, and handle stressful emotions better like anger, frustration and disappointment . From relaxation techniques they can use at work to cognitive techniques they can use at any given moment, this program supplies cutting edge solutions to timeless problems associated with handling stress at work.

    Job Stress PowerPoint® program

    Category: Uncategorized |
    Job Stress Job stress is the #1 source of stress in the US. 78% of American workers describe their job as stressful. People suffering from job-stress take more sick days, are more accident prone and are much more likely to be angry and/or violent at work. Sources of job stress can include a bad boss, inadequate training, excessive overtime, hectic pace, deadline pressure, too many meetings, not working to a plan, downsizing and conflicting assignments. But it can also include outside factors like financial pressure, relationship problems, and trouble coping with anger and frustration. Introducing a PowerPoint® program on job stress. Here is a PowerPoint® program that will help you teach employees how to cope with stress at work. Everything you need to put on a 1-hour program on job stress is included. You’ll get forty illustrated PowerPoint® slides, a full text and outline for your presentation. You can even choose to download the program when you place your order and save $50. Teach employees how to cope with job stress. In addition to helping people identify sources of job stress and develop strategies for eliminating it, this program will help your audience communicate better, manage time better, and handle stressful emotions better like anger, frustration and disappointment . From relaxation techniques they can use at work to cognitive techniques they can use at any given moment, this program supplies cutting edge solutions to timeless problems associated with handling stress at work.
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